How much will I get?
Initial Valuation:
- Factors such as make, model, mileage, age, and condition are considered.
- The platform uses live market data and industry insights, including historical dealer offers on similar vehicles and current market trends, to give you an instant estimated value.
Reserve Price Agreement:
- After reviewing your car’s specific details—such as service history, specification, and condition—a final reserve price is agreed upon. This is the minimum price expected in the sale.
Daily Online Sales:
- Your car is listed in a daily sale, where dealers from a network can place offers based on their own trading insights and the current used car market.
- At the end of the sale, you’re presented with the highest offer your vehicle received.
No Obligation to Sell:
- You are not obligated to accept the offer. If you’re not happy with the price, you can choose not to sell.
This process allows for a competitive bidding environment while ensuring you have control over the sale decision.