What photos of my vehicle do I need to supply?
We require at least 16 photos in your Car-ma vehicle profile. These include photos with the following requirements:
Exterior photos need to show:
- 4 exterior photos, one from each corner of the vehicle at a 45-degree angle
- Each vehicle door closed
- The number plate clearly displayed
- The full vehicle within the frame of the image
Do not have people or pets in the vehicle when taking these photos.
Seat photos need to show as much of the front and back seats as possible.
If your vehicle doors get in the way, open the driver-side doors, lower the window, and use the empty window frame to take the photos.
We need to see a photo of the dashboard's components: the full steering wheel, the centre console, and the gearstick.
The best way to get these photos is by taking them from the back seat.
Boot interior
This photo should show the vehicle boot when it’s empty.
Some boots are not well-maintained, and dealers will want to know the condition of your vehicle’s boot before they make an offer.