How do I transfer ownership when selling my vehicle on Car-Ma?

Transferring ownership of your vehicle

When you sell your vehicle, it’s essential to transfer ownership to the new owner to avoid any legal liability. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Legal responsibility: The registered keeper remains responsible for the vehicle until the V5C logbook is updated with the new owner's details.

  2. Selling to a dealer: When selling through Car-Ma, you sell to a verified dealer, which counts as a ‘trade sale’ with the DVLA.

  3. Filling out the V5C: After the buyer collects the car and payment is made, complete Section 9 of your V5C logbook with the dealer’s information, then send it to the DVLA.

  4. Online transfer: Alternatively, you can transfer ownership online:

    • Visit the DVLA website.
    • Select "Sold it to a motor trader" when prompted.
    • Enter the dealer’s details and the 11-digit reference number from your V5C logbook.
    • If you provide the new owner's email, both parties will receive an email confirmation and a new V5C logbook will be sent to the new owner within five working days.

Important Note: Do not transfer ownership to Car-Ma, as we do not purchase your vehicle. If you believe you’ve made an error, please contact us at